Microprocessor and Microcontroller ....

 Microprocessor :

  • Microprocessor is brain of microcomputer.
  • It is a single chip which is capable of processing the data.
  • It controls all components.
  • It executes sequence  of instructions.
  • Microprocessor fetch , decode and  the instructions.

Evolution of Intel microprocessor:

  1. First Generation (1934-1954) :- Vaccum Tube
  2. Second Generation (1954-1959) :- Transistors
  3. Third Generation (1959-1971) :- IC
  4. Fourth Generation (1971- present) :- Microprocessor
Microprocessor is scaling from 4004 to pentium 4.
Microprocessor is identified with world size of data.
 eg: ALU can perform 4-bit data operation at a time then these type of mp is called 4-bit microprocessor .
  • 4-bit processor :-Intel 4004 , Intel 4040 ALU perform 4-bit of data at a time.
  • 8-bit processor :- 8008 , 8088 , 8085 , M6800 ALU perform 8-bit of data at a time.
  • 16-bit processor :- 8086 , 8088 , zilog 2800 , 80186 , 80286 ALU perform 16-bit of data at a time.
  • 32-bit processor :- 80386 , 80387 , 80486 ,  ,PENTIUM PRO , PENTIUM II , PENTIUM III 
  • 64-bit processor :-  INTEL Core 2 , INTEL Core I3 , INTEL Core I5 , INTEL Core I7

Microprocessor typically consists of:

  1. Registers:- Temperory storage location function performing instruction or data.
  2. Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU) :- Performs arithmetic and logic operations.
  3. Timing & control circuit :- Keeps all other parts of system ( register , ALU , memory & I/O) working together in right time sequence.

Microprocessor is connected with 

Input: It is used to give the I/O data to the microprocessor.
Output: It is used to provide the result of calculation.
Memory: It is used to store the data.

Microcontroller: It Integrated Electronics computing device that includes three major components on single chip.

 Microprocessor  + Memory + I/O ports = Microcontroller

-supporting devices: Timers , A/D converter , Serial I/O
-common communication lines is called system bus.

Microprocessor is the heart of Computer system.Micro Controller is the heart of an embedded system.
It is only a processor, so memory and I/O components need to be connected externallyMicro Controller has a processor along with internal memory and I/O components.
Memory and I/O has to be connected externally, so the circuit becomes large.Memory and I/O are already present, and the internal circuit is small.
You can't use it in compact systemsYou can use it in compact systems.
Cost of the entire system is highCost of the entire system is low
Due to external components, the total power consumption is high. Therefore, it is not ideal for the devices running on stored power like batteries.As external components are low, total power consumption is less. So it can be used with devices running on stored power like batteries.
Most of the microprocessors do not have power saving features.Most of the microcontrollers offer power-saving mode.
It is mainly used in personal computers.It is used mainly in a washing machine, MP3 players, and embedded systems.
Microprocessor has a smaller number of registers, so more operations are memory-based.Microcontroller has more register. Hence the programs are easier to write.
Microprocessors are based on Von Neumann modelMicro controllers arc based on Harvard architecture
It is a central processing unit on a single silicon-based integrated chip.It is a byproduct of the development of microprocessors with a CPU along with other peripherals.
It has no RAM, ROM, Input-Output units, timers, and other peripherals on the chip.It has a CPU along with RAM, ROM, and other peripherals embedded on a single chip.
It uses an external bus to interface to RAM, ROM, and other peripherals.It uses an internal controlling bus.
Microprocessor-based systems can run at a very high speed because of the technology involved.Microcontroller based systems run up to 200MHz or more depending on the architecture.
It's used for general purpose applications that allow you to handle loads of data.It's used for application-specific systems.
It's complex and expensive, with a large number of instructions to process.It's simple and inexpensive with less number of instructions to process.

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